Mission Statement: The mission of the Georgia Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, Inc. is to provide information, programs and transition activities designed to enhance equal opportunities for youth with all types of disabilities, reduce the dropout rate, empower students with disabilities to enter technological careers, and facilitate a successful transition to post-secondary education and gainful employment.
To learn more about HSHT programs in your area of Georgia, contact Karen Royston.
The Georgia High School High Tech Program is a comprehensive community-based program providing youth with disabilities a link to academic and career-development experiences that enable them to successfully meet the workforce demands of the 21st century. The program consists of state government agencies, school systems, non-profit organizations, community organizations, and the private sector working together to provide seamless services for students with disabilities in the local community. These partners work closely together to identify and provide needed services for students with disabilities that will help them succeed in the workforce. At this time, there are active High School High Tech Programs in over 50 high schools in Georgia.
The goal of the Georgia High School High Tech Program is to provide information and services to students with all types of disabilities to assist them with identifying a realistic vocational goal and transitioning to post-secondary education and gainful employment. The program is a collaboration between the Georgia Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, Inc., The Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency and local school systems throughout the state. Georgia High School High Tech uses research based guideposts that provide direction for youth transitioning into adulthood. The five guideposts used to identify services in the Georgia High School Tech program are: School Preparation, Career Preparation, Connecting Activities, Youth Development and Leadership, and Family Involvement. The services provided by the program focus on reducing the high school dropout rate of students with disabilities, teaching students how to advocate for themselves after graduation from high school, exploring career options, and opportunity awareness. These services are provided to assist the students with a successful transition to post-secondary education and gainful employment. Georgia High School High Tech Program selected as a Zero Project Innovative Practice for 2017We are excited to announce that the Georgia High School High Tech Program has been selected as a Zero Project Innovative Practice for 2017. The Georgia High School High Tech Program was nominated for this recognition by our partners at AMAC. This year, 260 innovative solutions concerning Employment, Work and Vocational Education and Training were nominated by the Zero Project’s network of experts from around the world. Out of these, 68 Innovative Practices and Policies have been selected as the most outstanding.The Zero Project supports decision-makers and opinion leaders in their efforts to implement the Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) worldwide. This is the final result of a multi-state selection process where a multitude of experts from around the world participated and voted.
The Zero Project focuses on the rights of persons with disabilities globally. It provides a platform where the most innovative and effective solutions to problems that persons with disabilities face, are shared. It's sole objective is to assist in creating a world without barriers. The Georgia High School High Tech program is honored to have been selected as an Innovative Practice for 2017 by Zero Project. |
Your tax deductible donations help expand program services.
Please make checks payable to The Georgia Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities and mail to:
Karen Royston Executive Director Georgia Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, Inc. P.O. Box 1090 Fortson, GA 31808 706.202.4792 [email protected] |